Sunday, April 28, 2013

Switching Gears

   For the past couple of weeks I have switched things up and stepped away from my normal routine.
   I believe that it's good for your soul and your sanity to do such things particularly when things begin to feel stale or when your regular things start to feel tedious or when you know you're going to be inundated.  
   I have a hectic summer coming up with two back-to-back month long engagements in June and July.  The month of May will be spent preparing for both - and there will be LOTS to do - so if I don't take a break now and recharge to the best of my ability I won't have the chance again until...August!  So this break is like taking a vacation which sounds like a weird thing for someone who works from home.  It isn't really, though. Working from home means that I am almost always "on" -- for instance, I started writing this post at 6:30am on a Sunday morning.  That's normal for me as I begin every single day taking my first sip of coffee while already seated at my desk.  There doesn't seem to be a rel separation between my home and working lives and sometimes there needs to be.
   Included in this break has been social media.  Stepping away from that has been less about regrouping and more about taking better control of how I spend my time.  The truth is that I have always had much more engagement with a website/blog than I ever had with Facebook and the like.

   Like the rest of the world it seems I got very caught up in hanging out where everyone else hangs out which is the opposite of who I am or ever was and is also....well, silly.  Especially for someone who makes pretty pictures!  Pretty pictures are e v e r y w h e r e on social media; mine just get lost in the shuffle there.

   Plus, when was the last time you said "let me go log on to Facebook and see which piece of art I think I'll buy today"?  The problem is that not a lot of people would answer that they always/often/sometimes/once in a while log on to Facebook with the intention of purchasing art.  Trying to convince people to do that takes A LOT of work...of time...of energy.  All of that takes me away from making the art!  It's a conundrum that won't easily be resolved.  Like anything else, it will take a good deal of trial and error.  And head-clearing breaks.

   In the meantime of my disengagement I've been really busy with other creative endeavors...lots of painting and even some fairy-making...

My 'Make A Wish' painting

Fairy Doll that I made head to toe
   Amazing the things we can do if we step out of and away from routine from time to time..


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Branching Out

I have never been one to do just one thing.  Even if I love doing something eventually it will get a little stale and I have to switch gears to keep things fresh.  If I don't do that I will burn out and so will doing the thing that I love.  It will turn into something arduous and mundane and I'll put it on the shelf where it will collect dust and maybe even be forgotten about for a long, long time.

I can't risk that happening with my photo art and since that is all I have been doing for the past two years it's become clear that I need to shake things up.   Which means one thing.

Soon I will be branching out into a bunch of new areas.

My creativity is demanding it.

However my brain is a very active and frenetic place; you'd be scared if you had a peek inside of it!  So the  problem becomes figuring out how to present everything I'm going to be doing to the world without it all being a big mishmosh of confusion.  For example, do I put everything under the Everyday Magic Artworks umbrella?  Would it make people's heads hurt to come to a website and see a bunch of different headings/tabs for my various endeavors?  I think it might.  And I think it would dilute everything.

Ultimately though, I'd  hate to think that my website visitors would become exhausted and in need of a nap after they spent a little time on my site.

Lots of stuff to think about...


Branching Out photo credit: Photographic Poetry via photopin cc
Sleeping At Computer Photo Credit: